Q: How to Fix WordPress Posts Returning 404 Error.
A: Go to Settings -> Permalinks, and simply click on Save Changes button. Read more - http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-wordpress-posts-returning-404-error/
Q: The detailed portfolio page does not load
A: Go to Settings -> Permalinks, and simply click on Save Changes button. Read more - http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-wordpress-posts-returning-404-error/
Q: How can I change the default words?
A: As example: Install and activate this plugin - https://wordpress.org/plugins/replace-default-words/, then go to the Admin Dashboard -> Tools -> RDW and in the "Enter the default word" for example enter Send message, and in the field "Enter the new word" your new words.
Q: How can I translate WP theme and plugins?
A: As example: With the help of this plugin - https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/. Documentation/Instruction - https://localise.biz/wordpress/plugin/beginners .
Q: Design changes do not apply.
A: 1. Clear your browser's cache. 2. Clear your server's cache (hosting). On an example of hosting from GoDaddy: Go to WordPress Admin Panel -> Top Panel -> GoDaddy -> Flush Cache. If this does not help, then most likely the problem is in the incorrect server settings, in this case it's best to contact your hosting support, but also we can help, for this we need access to the administrator's panel of your site and FTP access to the hosting.
Q: How can I use the Brizy Page Builder?
A: At the moment, our theme is not support the Brizy Page Builder, instead of it in our theme is used Unyson Visual Page Builder.
Q: Google Maps do not work.
A: June 11th, 2018 Google has changed the Google Maps API rules. You just need to create your key and replace our one, which we used in the demo data: Admin Panel -> Pages -> Contact -> Map Shortcode -> Google Maps API key.
A link to the Google console is available in the same place, in the shortcode settings.
Q: What are the minimum requirements for the host?
Q: Where can I customize my Home Page / Start Subpage (change title, subtitles, photo, etc.)?
A: Admin Panel --> Appearance --> Theme Settings --> Start Page tab.
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