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Last updated
To add a new project, go to Portfolio -> Add New.
There are five types of projects available - Portfolio Type block (this is how it will be displayed when you click on a project in the projects grid - Kerge Portfolio Shortcode):
Standard - A detailed project page that opens with the help of Ajax.
Lightbox Featured Image - An enlarged image that opens when clicking on a project cover image in the projects grid.
Lightbox Video - A video that opens when clicking on a project cover image in the projects grid.
Lightbox Audio - SoundCloud audio that opens when clicking on a project cover image in the projects grid.
Direct URL - Link to a page or external resource.
Note: For each project must be selected at least one category.
More about the standard type of portfolio
In addition to the basic options for this type of portfolio, you can fill the block with the content of the page, for example here you can place such shortcodes as video, image or just additional textual information.
Project Cover Image
This is an image that will be displayed in the portfolio grid (in our demo this is the Portfolio page). This block is required.
About Shuffle js plugin: This JS plugin is responsible for displaying the projects (figure with an Project Cover Image) in the portfolio grid as it possible tightly to each other + it is responsible for sorting projects into categories (filters).
Project Gallery
This block is relevant only for the Standard Portfolio Type. The recommended images width is minimum 800 pixels. The height of the images in the gallery may differ, the height of the slider will be adjusted automatically to the height of the active image.
"Load More" Feature
With this feature, you can display a certain number of projects in the portfolio grid, in addition, the "Load more" button will be displayed, clicking on which additional projects will be loaded. To activate this feature, go to: Administrator Panel --> Appearance --> Theme Settings --> Portfolio tab --> Load More Feature --> On.
Portfolio Shortcode: Display projects from certain categories
In the version 1.1.0 we added the ability to display projects only from certain categories.
With this feature, you can display this shortcode on various pages, thereby dividing the types of projects. Shortcode Portfolio can be added only to pages, it can not be placed in projects (Standard Project Type).
Using this functionality:
Add a shortcode Portfolio to the page layout using the Visual Page Builder
In the Shortcode Portfolio settings, add the categories you want to display. If this field is empty, portfolio projects from all categories will be displayed.